Archivo de categorías para "Cooperación Tecnológica"

Portuguese transport expert consultancy company, specialist in driver online training, seeks automatic voice to voice (from videos) translation tool

Portuguese transport expert company developed an advanced training program for transport operators’ drivers to improve their performances. Company would like to distribute their courses in several languages without the need to develop subtitles or edit current videos and is

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Revolutionary technology for increasing energy efficiency of primary fuel for high temperature heating up to 230%

Slovenian researcher developed a unique and revolutionary way to increase the fuel efficiency (natural gas, diesel, LPG, etc.) up to 230% by using renewable energy sources with heat pump for high-temperature heating of buildings. About 80% of the heat

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An established Slovak research institute has developed a new machining method and tool for machining of inner walls of channels in fragile materials in the nanometer region and is looking for licensees or investors

An established Slovak scientific and research institute in cooperation with successful Slovak company have successfully managed an innovative machining method and tool for machining of inner walls of channels in fragile materials in the nanometer region. The preferred cooperation

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Smart signature platform for documentation management process

Spanish company related to IT services and outsourcing has developed an integrated electronic signature management system, which provides an efficient documentation management process. This platform allows access to different departments and employees to validate documents, either in person or

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UK SME offers a novel interactive augmented reality technology and holographic booth for license agreements

An ambitious UK augmented reality SME is seeking global license agreements, to launch an interactive technology unit for the enhancement of education and personal communication. The technology offers direct and real-time control capabilities to facilitate a friendly, non-confrontational environment

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A Korean company in the information security/authentication industry is seeking for an European business partner for its biometric signature authentication and other products in license agreement and others

A Korean company specialized in server security and authentication solutions wish to expand their overseas markets through license agreement, technical cooperation and commercial agreement with technical assistance. The company’s 3 main business areas are server security solution, identity and

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Traceability software targeting micro and small companies in the agri-food sector

An Italian company, with professional experience in innovative traceability systems applied to micro and small companies, has developed a flexible traceability system suitable to those micro and small companies dealing with food processing in the agri-food sector. The Italian

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Innovative system for energy storage and production

A Greek SME providing engineering solutions to industry, presents an innovative patented system for the storage of energy from renewable energy sources and the subsequent energy production on demand, at any time and desired level. The system solves various

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Machine for screwing and unscrewing earth drilling pipes suitable for irrigation and petroleum applications

A Greek inventor has developed a patented tool for screwing and unscrewing earth drilling pipes faster and easier (ie drilling pipes used in petroleum extraction platforms, irrigation networks etc.).The inventor is interested in offering the specific machine to industrial

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Artificial intelligence and advanced encryption technology aimed at enhancing data privacy is offered to be integrated with media agencies, demand-side platforms, data management platforms and digital publishers.

A UK based SME, R&D intensive, have developed a game-changing privacy-preserving technology that allows transparent audience segmentation for media companies while giving users control over their personal data and their privacy. The company is seeking collaboration with international media

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