Archivo de categorías para "Cooperación Tecnológica"

Biohybrid material for removal of organic contaminants

A Spanish public research organisation has developed a novel hybrid material consisting of an enzyme and a structure of nanowires of iron carbonate. The effect of the combination is an enhancement of the catalytic activity which leads to degradation

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A wearable continuous learning environment

An innovative Italian company has developed a Ready2Use communication platform integrated with wearable devices to drive and manage any kind of field Work-Flow by enabling hands-free real-time collaboration among productive resources. Operators can benefit from both live support approach

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High-performance liquid chromatography device for high-volume samples analysis

An Italian national research institute has developed a fluidic device that allows high sample volume injection in high-performance liquid chromatography systems and provides an automated purification step, reducing sensitivity problems and facilitating the analysis of extracted compounds from complex

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High diluted nanostructured lipid hydrogels with no gelling agents

A Spanish research institution has developed a lipid gel composed exclusively of combination of lipids in high diluted conditions, without the need of gelling surfactants or polymers, thus avoiding irritation or adverse responses in medical applications. Its composition enhances

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A magnetic bendable data-storage device

A Spanish research institution has developed a new magnetic recording bendable device where information is cloaked, virtually unerasable. The device can store information as the magnetic band of a credit card or a barcode or even more advanced magnetic

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Prevention of lung injury associated with acute necrotizing pancreatitis

A Spanish public research institution has found the potential of polyethylene glycol on reducing the severity of acute necrotizing pancreatitis and associated lung injury, thus minimizing the systemic inflammatory response. Companies interested in patent licensing and/or in a research

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An Italian company offers a patented technology for spirulina alga production process optimization for food uses

An Italian start-up has developed and patented an eco-friendly environmental production plant that optimizes the spirulina production using energy and heat produced from biogas through the anaerobic digestion of bio-mass within the same production process. The amount of production

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Machine learning generative models for synthetic dataset creation

An Italian start-up uses state of the art tools and techniques from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to optimize business operations. They offer a specific product, which leverages recent advances in generative Machine Learning to enable safe and Privacy

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French SME offers a plug-in for the digital accessibility of websites to disabled or elderly people

A French computing SME has developed a plug-in that enables a website to be accessible to disabled or elderly people by adapting the structure and display according to the type of disability of each visitor. The SME is looking

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Water treatment with very low-frequency electromagnetic resonance fields to remove limescale and biofilm from water pipes, protecting sanitary facilities and achieving biosecurity

A Swiss SME with expertise in water treatment has developed a game changing technology for removing of limescale and biofilms in sanitary water pipes in buildings, achieving key benefits for building owners and the wellbeing of occupants. The physical

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