Archivo de categorías para "Cooperación Tecnológica"

An established Slovak research institute has developed cheap and stable polymer nanocomposite with antibacterial properties for medical applications, clean pharmaceutical and food industry, households and others and is looking for licensees or investors

An established Slovak research institute has developed polymer nanocomposite with antibacterial properties. The novel hybrid nanomaterial is composed of hydrophobic carbon quantum dots (hCQD) mixed with a polymer of choice (e.g polyamide, acrylics, butadiene, dialkylphtalate, dimethylsiloxanes, isoprene, etc.) in

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Graphene for various applications offered

A company from Western Poland specialised in production of graphene is looking for industrial and R&D partners interested in further development of the product (e.g. looking for new applications as well as testing the existing ones in real-life conditions).

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A French SME specializing in smart semantic and linguistic analysis is looking for value-added resellers, systems integrators, providers

A French SME proposes a technology to rapidly detect texts and spoken content related to potential threats in multiple languages. The solution is also used to identify critical incidents for emergency response, to anticipate changes and innovations through yield

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Test and develop agricultural technology prototypes in a test bed region in cooperation with local and national research and business partners

A Swiss organisation for economic promotion offers a platform to provide companies with the possibility to test and develop their innovation and technology in smart farming on real farms. This enables companies to develop their technology faster than testing

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Catalyst for nitrous oxide decomposition

A Spanish public research organisation has developed a novel catalyst, with a simple preparation method, that achieves the removal of 98% of N2O emissions at temperatures below 350ºC, when applied in the so-called «tail gas» of nitric acid production

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A French SME is looking for organic acids from bioprocess

An innovative French SME is developing and producing environmental friendly products like de-icing salts, weed-killers or active substances for gardens and agriculture.The production of these compositions uses organic acids now produced in the chemical industry from non-renewable sources. The

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Turbine generators based on vortex turbines

A Ukrainian University offers turbine generators based on vortex turbines which are a highly efficient source to produce electrical energy from the energy of compressed gas or steam and can be used for a wide range of purposes. The

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The Installation set of materials (ISM) for the Information technology of automation of control of discrete technological and information processes (IT AC DTIP)

A Ukrainian scientist, Doctor of Engineering, has founded a new network science-intensive technology with many applications designed to solve problems of effective control of discrete processes for different purposes. It allows to find optimal strategies of control of many

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Looking for hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) generators 10 kW and up

A small UK consultancy and technology developer is working with early adopters interested in hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) generators 10 kW and up. Indeed, existing HFC generators are rare and not so powerful. The SME has an immediate need

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Italian company is offering a software application to help hospital workers to battle against Covid-19 and save their own lives

Italy based company operating in the fields such as robotics, virtual and augmented reality for health and wellness sectors is offering a software to face with Covid-19 inside of a hospital and thus eliminate the nurses’, doctors’ and all

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