Webinario sobre partenariados cofinanciados europeos. Lunes, 19 de febrero

El CDTI y la AEI organizan un webinario sobre los Partenariados Confinaciados de Horizonte Europa, donde se comentarán aspectos prácticos para la preparación de propuestas. ACTIS: Canal de actualidad Enlace: Webinario sobre partenariados cofinanciados europeos. Lunes, 19 de febrero

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World FIRA Matchmaking Event 2024 – Toulouse, del 6 al 8 de febrero

La World FIRA 2024 es una feria dedicada a las soluciones agrícolas autónomas que se celebra del 6 al 8 de febrero en Auzeville Tolosane, en las afueras de Toulouse, Francia. ACTIS: Canal de actualidad Enlace: World FIRA Matchmaking

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Encuentro empresarial DMEA 2024 – Berlín, del 8 al 10 de abril de 2024 (con posibilidad de conectarse virtualmente)

En el marco de DMEA, el principal evento europeo del sector de las TI sanitarias, el cluster «HealthCapital» y la Enterprise Europe Network ofrecen una serie de actividades, entre las que se incluye un encuentro empresarial en formato híbrido.

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ISE Open Innovation Challenge – Barcelona, del 31 de enero al 1 de febrero de 2024

El congreso audiovisual ISE celebrará su 3ª edición en Barcelona del 31 de enero al 1 de febrero. Durante el mismo, catorce grandes empresas buscan adquirir nuevas tecnologías entre los asistentes en un evento organizado por la EEN. ACTIS:

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Programa INNOIDEA 2024 de apoyo a emprendedores

El Gobierno de Aragón, a través del Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón, pone en marcha el Programa INNOIDEA con el objetivo de apoyar a emprendedores en el desarrollo de sus proyectos tecnológicos. ACTIS: Canal de actualidad Enlace: Programa INNOIDEA 2024

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Acceleration programme on industry 4.0 through an open innovation platform that connects startups with forefront companies in the advanced manufacturing, energy, healthcare and agri-food sectors.

This acceleration service is a public-private initiative launched by the Basque Government, Spain, together with trailblazer large industrial enterprises. It is targeted at industry 4.0 startups with solutions applied to advanced manufacturing, energy, healthcare and agrifood sectors that need

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Slovak company is offering technology for security of voice communication via commercial agreement with technical assistance or via joint venture agreement

A Slovak company specialised in encryption of voice communication in the GSM network has developed a patented encryption technology that uses an algorithm with worldwide security standard. The encryption technology is suited for any corporate, governmental or individual user,

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Italian engineering SME expert in energy-from-waste, renewables, power generation and environmental industry is seeking industrial partners under joint venture or outsourcing agreements

Italian firm specialized in designing energy from waste facilities, biomass power plants and systems for the thermal disposal of hazardous waste offers an outsourcing agreement for services covering all the phases of the engineering (from conceptual and feasibility studies

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Ukrainian manufacturing company of decorative stones is looking for distributors and commercial agents.

Ukrainian manufacturing company is specialized in production of wide range of decorative textured stone with patented seamless mounting techniques. The company is interested to find long-term partnership to work with under distribution services agreements and/or commercial agency agreements. Cooperación

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Accredited Spanish material testing laboratory focused on the metal industry is looking for an outsourcing agreement

Spanish material testing laboratory offers solutions for material characterisation and destructive/non-destructive test on material and welding to companies from the oil and gas, renewable, petrochemical or additive manufacturing industries. The company offers its testing services to potential partners under

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